I'd like to hear a natural recording with no filters. The odd sound that carried through this whole piece was very distracting and took a lot away from an otherwise pleasant piece.
Technically, you didn't do a lot wrong. Your notes sounded crisp where they needed to be, and mournful and held in other spots. That contrast worked nicely to diversify the sound of the piece, making it sound a little bit more intelligent.
Again, I'm really not sure what's going on with the actual sound of the song. It just sounds flat and unnatural. I think what you need to to is take a couple records of an arpeggiated chord or scale in different settings. Then, find the one that sounds best. After that, apply whatever filters you think you need, but do so sparingly. Some of those natural environmental errors add a warmth to music. This method will give you the cleanest sound possible.
Recording's your main enemy. If you tackle that, you'll be making music deserving of at least a 3.75 or above!