This is where I'm going when I die.
I'm curious about how this piece was created. At first glance, it appears to be real, but upon further inspection, the various filters and effects lend the picture to one's imagination. Did you use a picture of fire as a base, or was this created from scratch?
The phoenix figure is kind of evident, but only in a Rorschach-Test manner. As abstract art, it works well, but the figure could be more clearly defined if you want it to be. If I just looked at the picture, knowing nothing about it, I'd think it was just some fire or a portrait of Hell.
Overall, the picture looks neat, but there are two issues that lost you points. The first is the text; it seems unnecessary for the Art Portal, where you are credited and where the title is above the picture. I understand having the text if you were uploading this somewhere else, but it's extraneous and distracting here. If you must have it, organize it in a black bar at the bottom of the picture.
The second problem I see is an odd bar of color at the bottom, starting just above the "a" in your name, extending to both sides and the bottom of the picture. To see what I mean, look at the light flame in the left-middle of the bottom portion of the picture. I don't know if that's a rendering error or something, but it looks weird.
Nice job overall.
Review Request Club